Saturday, May 18, 2019

Back to the drawing board

I've been heavily focused on making smooth animations happen in a way that handles large-scale multiplayer without errors while also not showing any input lag to the player.  I believe I've found a solution, but it requires a near-complete re-work of the systems I currently have in place under the hood in Spacemind.

I also need to improve the code architecture while I'm at it, and I'm starting to work on the server-client design as well.

So basically, v0.0.9a and earlier need to be mostly scrapped, and I need to start over.

My goal now is to create the skeleton of a new Spacemind that will work with large-scale multiplayer off the bat and also accommodate the demanding timings of every game event that could possibly occur while also not bringing a mobile device to its knees while trying to compute all of this and render an entire world view.

It might sound impossible, but it's not.  I have a pretty good idea of where I'm going now, but it could be a good while before I have anything pretty-shiny to show off here.

One thing's for sure.  I definitely have to torch the world I just lovingly created, and that stings a bit.

I'm sure I'm going to have to do this at least a few more times over before we're finally on the right track for good.

Stay with me Aevans!  We'll get there!

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