Thursday, June 6, 2019

Still plugging along on coding the Server

I've just managed to finish coding how the server loads the world after all initial communication with the client is finished.  I took the time to do it right, so terraforming will be easily implementable in the future.

There are a few other things on the serverside that I want to add, but I'm starting to itch at all of the extra code I've made without properly testing it.  Until I get the client side coded to mirror what I've written on the server side, I'll be in the dark a bit as to whether network communication is working the way I think it will.

This has been a bit tricky, as I'm building my own protocol on top of TCP for Spacemind, but I'm positive it'll be worth it, as it should scale extremely well out to millions of players.

Btw, I did think about the conundrum in my last post of where to start multiplayer clients, and I think the best solution for now is to have a center spacestation where all new players arrive.  From there, they can apply to join people's pre-existing spaceships, or they can take one way lifeboats that will hyperjump them to a planet so that they can get started on their own.  It may not be the best solution, but I need to start somewhere, and that's what I have coded at the moment.

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